As personal injury lawyers, we often recommend that people who are hurt in crashes caused by others should pursue compensation claims for their accident-related expenses. After all, why should victims pay out of pocket for medical bills and lost wages when they didn’t cause their own accidents?
However, many auto accident victims are hesitant to pursue claims if they were hurt in crashes caused by friends or family members. No matter who caused the accident, the facts remain the same if you were hurt: you have expensive medical bills piling up and you may be too hurt to go back to work.
It’s important to remember that filing a compensation claim “against” your friend or family member isn’t a personal issue, and it’s not designed to “punish” him or her. Auto accident claims are generally designed to recoup crash-related expenses from insurance companies—not from the pockets of the people responsible for accidents.
You Deserve Compensation. We Can Help You Get It.
Auto accident claims are business as usual for most insurance companies. When there’s enough evidence to prove that policyholders were at fault for injury-causing crashes, most insurance companies offer fair settlements—especially when victims have lawyers on their sides. That means the process is often over in a matter of months with no trial and no courtroom visits.
You won’t be pitted against your friend or family member, and you won’t be taking money out of his or her pocket when you file a compensation claim. Instead, you’ll get the money you need for your medical bills, lost wages, and other accident-related expenses from the legally required insurance policy of the person who caused the crash.
Let the car accident attorneys at Dudley DeBosier help you with this sensitive matter. Call today for a free consultation.