After a spike in fatal accidents involving passenger vehicles and trains in 2016, the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission began re-emphasizing the dangers associated with railroad crossings and the need for drivers to make smarter decisions when approaching them. In 2022, Louisiana ranked seventh among all states for total number of train collisions, which included four deaths and 47 injuries.

Stay Safe With These Tips

Although railroad crossings are equipped with many safety features, including alarm bells, flashing lights, and barrier arms, drivers still face risks when they drive near or over train tracks. To protect yourself and your loved ones when driving near railroad crossings, it’s important to follow these tips:

  • Never try to beat a train—If you hear a train’s horn or a railroad crossing alarm bell, prepare to stop your vehicle before you reach the train tracks. Trains may be just moments from railroad crossings by the time you hear their horns or the crossing’s alarm bells.
  • Never drive onto railroad tracks unless there’s room ahead to fully cross them—Traffic can back up anywhere, including on roadways with railroad crossings. Always leave plenty of room between your vehicle and the tracks in front of you when congestion is heavy and you don’t have enough space to drive beyond them.
  • Never cross without looking both ways, even if a train has already passed—Some railroad crossings have multiple tracks heading in multiple directions. That means another train may be traveling towards you immediately after the previous train passes through the area. Continue to yield after a train passes and look left and right before proceeding.

We’re Here for You After an Accident

At Dudley DeBosier, we’re proud to help victims of all types of motor vehicle accidents. Whether you were injured in a train collision or a motorcycle accident because of another person’s or parties’ negligence, we’re here for you. Call us today for a free consultation.