A hit-and-run collision can be a very frustrating event for anyone, especially if you do not have the right coverages on your insurance policy and the adverse driver is never identified. Here are some helpful tips to aid you in being able to file a claim:
- Gather any information you can on the fleeing vehicle. Any information gathered such as a license plate number, vehicle make/model/color can aid in finding the responsible driver. Make sure that you do not put yourself or others at risk by doing so.
- If the driver is never located, filing a claim can become more difficult. In this case, it is always safe to make sure you carry uninsured/underinsured bodily injury or property damage coverage in addition to rental reimbursement and collision coverage.
- In the State of Louisiana, carrying the fore mentioned first party coverages will make the process less worrisome.
- In the State of Louisiana, if the driver runs you off of the road and does not make any contact with your vehicle, the law requires there be an independent witness to support your claim. This could be another driver in a passing vehicle, but typically cannot be anyone in your vehicle or anyone who could present a claim from the same accident.
- Contact Dudley DeBosier Injury Lawyers to discuss specifics. Our attorneys are experienced in prosecuting claims from hit-and-run collisions, and we would love to help.