When you’re injured because of someone else’s actions, you might face loss of wages, mounting medical bills, and emotional distress. Thankfully, you can engage a Louisiana personal injury attorney to help recover the costs associated with a personal injury, such as a slip and fall, car accident, or medical malpractice.

Personal injury lawyers have experience in the civil legal system, handling negotiations with insurance companies and representing the rights of injured victims in court. Read on to learn the duties of a personal injury lawyer and how they work on your behalf to help you get financial relief and hold the negligent party responsible for your injuries.

Duties of a Personal Injury Lawyer

When you work with an attorney after a personal injury accident, you can expect your legal team to perform several duties. These include protecting your interests during the case and helping you seek fair compensation.

Our personal injury attorneys at Dudley DeBosier do the following for our personal injury clients:

  • Client consultation. Our attorneys meet with potential clients, such as car accident victims, to assess the viability of the case. During this free initial consultation, we gather relevant information, listen to your story, answer your questions, and determine the best course of action based on the specifics of your injury.
  • Investigating the claim. We thoroughly investigate each claim, whether a slip and fall at a local store or a boating accident. This involves collecting medical records, police reports, and interviewing witnesses to understand the incident and determine liability.
  • Gathering evidence. Our attorneys gather evidence tailored to each situation, such as photographic proof from a slip-and-fall scene or dashcam footage from a car accident. We can also obtain surveillance videos, witness testimonies, or expert assessments. This helps us demonstrate the circumstances and the extent of negligence or wrongdoing in your accident.
  • Legal research. Our attorneys perform comprehensive research, especially in complex cases like medical malpractice. We stay updated on the latest laws and relevant case rulings to offer skilled legal representation for your case.
  • Negotiating settlements. Our attorneys handle negotiations with insurers to seek a maximum payout for your losses. We review your medical costs, loss of earnings, and pain and suffering, and use gathered evidence to advocate for fair compensation for your current and future losses.
  • Drafting and filing complaints. We draft and file a lawsuit if negotiations don’t lead to a satisfactory settlement. Our attorneys ensure all documentation is filed on time and complies with legal standards.
  • Litigation. If a case, such as a motorcycle accident claim, goes to trial, our attorneys are prepared to represent you in court. We carefully prepare and present evidence, ensuring the judge and jury can accurately estimate the depth of your suffering and the impact of the injury on your life.
  • Mediation and arbitration. In cases like large truck accidents, where multiple parties might be involved, alternative dispute resolution methods can be beneficial. Our attorneys can guide you through these processes for a swift and favorable resolution.
  • Obtaining expert testimony. In certain cases like motorcycle accidents, the testimony of medical professionals or accident reconstructionists can be pivotal. Our attorneys collaborate with experts to solidify your stance and provide clarity on technical details.
  • Handling paperwork and communication. Our attorneys handle all communication with insurance companies, police, and the court, ensuring all parties are updated and documentation is error-free. This helps support your claim and sets you up for the best possible outcome.

If you’re injured at work, we can also handle all paperwork related to your workers’ compensation claim. This helps ensure you receive the benefits you’re entitled to in Louisiana, such as wages and medical expenses.

At Dudley DeBosier, we prioritize your well-being and rights, ensuring your case is handled with professionalism and care. Our client testimonials showcase our dedication to helping you achieve the best outcome for your case.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to another’s negligence, contact Dudley DeBosier today for a free consultation to learn your legal options for your personal injury claim.

Disclaimer: This content has been reviewed by Chad Lederman, Director of Legal Operations at our New Orleans office.

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