When auto accidents happen in Baton Rouge, they can lead to injuries, property damage, and sometimes fatalities. In 2023, the Baton Rouge area saw 50 vehicle accident deaths, including drivers and passengers. 

Understanding why these devastating car crashes happen can help you adopt safe driving habits to avoid them. If you are hurt in a collision due to another driver’s negligence, our Baton Rouge car accident lawyers at Dudley DeBosier can protect your rights and help you take your next legal steps.

Top Causes of Fatal Car Crashes

Car accidents can happen for many reasons, such as weather conditions or poor road design. However, the top causes of fatal car crashes are typically due to driver negligence. Primary reasons for vehicle accidents in Baton Rouge include:

Impaired Driving

Alcohol and drug impairment continue to be a leading cause of fatal accidents. In Louisiana, 30.8% of all traffic fatalities in 2022 were related to alcohol, resulting in 279 deaths. Impaired driving puts the driver at risk and endangers the lives of passengers and other road users.

Distracted Driving

With the increase of smartphones and in-car technology, distracted driving has become more common. The Louisiana Highway Safety Organization reports that 678 people died in 2021 because of some form of distraction. Activities like texting, using social media, or even eating while driving divert a driver’s attention from the road, leading to collisions and fatalities.


Excessive speeding remains a major factor in fatal accidents in Louisiana and Baton Rouge. When drivers exceed the speed limit, their reaction time decreases, making it difficult to avoid collisions. The NHTSA estimates that in 2021, 29% of the fatalities in auto accidents occur because of speeding.

Reckless Driving

Reckless and aggressive behaviors such as weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating, and road rage can quickly escalate into fatal accidents. These actions often lead to poor decision-making and dangerous maneuvers on the road. In 2021, reckless and erratic driving led to 2,615 fatal crashes in the U.S.


Drivers who are tired or drowsy behind the wheel are prone to falling asleep, leading to catastrophic accidents. Long hours on the road, inadequate rest, and shift work can contribute to driver fatigue. At the national level, there were about 1,310 fatal crashes caused by driving when drowsy, fatigued, or blacked out in 2021.

Tips for Avoiding an Accident with a Negligent Driver

Although not all accidents are preventable, you can take measures to minimize accidents with negligent drivers on Baton Rouge’s streets and highways. Consider the following safety tips:

  • Stay Vigilant: Always be alert and attentive while driving. Scan the road for signs of impaired, distracted, or reckless drivers and keep a safe distance from them.
  • Avoid Distractions: Put away your phone and eliminate other distractions while driving. Your full attention should be on the road.
  • Obey Speed Limits: Adhere to posted speed limits and adjust your speed to match road and weather conditions.
  • Maintain a Safe Following Distance: Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you, typically about three to four seconds, to allow for reaction time in case of sudden stops or emergencies.
  • Get Adequate Rest: Ensure you are well-rested before embarking on long journeys. Fatigue can impair your judgment and reaction time.
  • Don’t Engage with Aggressive Drivers: Avoid confrontation with aggressive drivers. Instead, report their behavior to law enforcement if necessary.

What Should You Do After a Vehicle Collision?

If you’re involved in a vehicle collision, there are important steps to follow to address injuries and protect your legal rights. Here is what you should do right after an accident:

  • Check for Injuries: Ensure everyone’s safety. Check for injuries and call 911 if medical attention is required.
  • Notify Authorities: Report the accident to the police, providing accurate details. Get a copy of the report for your records once it’s available.
  • Document the Scene: Photograph the accident scene, including license plates, vehicle damage, and road conditions. Also, capture road signs, lights, or traffic cameras as this evidence can help determine what occurred and assign fault.
  • Exchange Information: Exchange contact and insurance information with the other parties involved. If there are witnesses, ask if they would be willing to provide a statement and request their contact information for your attorney.
  • Seek Medical Attention: Even if you don’t feel seriously injured, see a doctor for a thorough evaluation. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, such as head trauma or internal bruising. This ensures you receive medical care and provides documentation of your injuries for a possible accident claim.
  • Contact an Attorney: You must notify your insurance provider about the accident and follow their guidance for filing a claim. However, speak with a skilled attorney to help you with this process. Our team at Dudley DeBosier can handle all insurance company communications, ensuring your rights are protected.

Work With a Skilled Lawyer from Dudley DeBosier

Understanding the top causes of fatal auto accidents and practicing safe driving habits are essential for preventing these tragic incidents. Unfortunately, a car crash can still happen, and if it does, you may need experienced legal representation.

At Dudley DeBosier Injury Lawyers, we help accident victims get the compensation they deserve after a crash. Our qualified Baton Rouge auto accident lawyers can guide you through the legal process and fight for your rights. Contact us for a free consultation if you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident.

Disclaimer: This content has been reviewed by Chad Lederman, Director of Legal Operations at our New Orleans office.

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